Bagi rekan-rekan yang ingin belajar membuat bibit bio-fob (vanili, lada, semangka dsb) dapat mengikuti training yang dilaksanakan di Balai Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik (Balittro Bogor). Untuk informasi tentang waktu pelatihan tersebut dapat menghubungi nomor yang tertera di blog ini.
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Dalam rangka mengantisipasi kebutuhan dan harga pupuk yang semakin meningkat, industri perkebunan perlu mencari sumber-sumber pupuk alternatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hara tanaman. Pupuk alternatif yang sangat potensial adalah pupuk organik yang dapat dibuat dari limbah industri perkebunan, pertanian, atau peternakan. Pupuk dan pemupukan memakan porsi kurang lebih 60% dari total biaya dalam budidaya perkebunan/pertanian (Goenadi et al., 1995).
Sesuai dengan kesepakatan WTO dalam kerangka GATT yang telah diratifikasi oleh Indonesia, Indonesia berkewajiban untuk mengurangi subsidi pupuk secara bertahap. Hal ini akan berdampak pada meningkatnya harga pupuk kimia di pasaran domestik, yang pada akhirnya akan membengkaknya biaya pemupukan. Oleh karena itu perlu dicari alternatif substitusinya.
Peningkatan efisiensi perpupukan, pupuk kimia maupun pupuk organik, dapat juga ditingkatkan dengan memamfaatkan mikroba-mikroba yang bermanfaat bagi tanaman, atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah biofertilizer/pupuk hayati. Mikroba yang dapat digunakan sebagai biofertilizer antara lain adalah mikroba penambat N, mikroba pelarut P, dan perangsang pertumbuhan tanaman.
Pemanfaatan pupuk organik dan biofertilizer dapat mengurangi penggunaan pupuk kimia dan meningkatkan efisiensi pemupukan. Dalam skala yang lebih luas, penggunaan pupuk organik dapat mengurangi beban biaya pemupukan. Selengkapnya
Sumber: Direktorat Perbenihan dan Sarana Produksi
Bahan organik sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pemupukan di lahan-lahan yang tanahnya didominasi oleh pasir (tanah marginal) karena hara seringkali tercuci sehingga tidak dapat dimanfaatkan oleh tanaman. Akibatnya tanaman mengalami defisiensi hara yang parah. Pemberian bahan organik dapat meningkatkan kapasitas tukar kation (KTK) tanah sehingga dapat menyimpan unsur hara dan melepaskannya kepada tanaman serta mengurangi kehilangan unsur hara.
Bahan organik (dapat dibuat dari limbah sawit, dengan tambahan biotriba, tambahan. red) juga dapat menyimpan air dan memasok nutrisi bagi kehidupan mikroorganisme yang berguna bagi tanaman. Aplikasi bahan organik di sekitar tanaman kelapa sawit dapat merangsang tumbuhnya feeding root di dekat permukaan tanah sehingga penyerapan hara lebih mudah dan optimal.
Gambar. Akar yang muncul ke permukaan tanah setelah aplikasi bahan organik
Untuk menambah bahan organik dapat memanfaatkan limbah kebun kelapa sawit sendiri, seperti tandan kosong (empty bunch) atau limbah cair pabrik. Aplikasi tandan kosong sebanyak 60 ton/ha atau limbah cair pabrik 350 m3/ha/tahun terbukti dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman (Prof. Dr. Hj. Tati Nurmala, Fakultas Pertanian UNPAD, dikutip dari majalah Media Perkebunan edisi Februari-Maret).
Bahan organik (dapat dibuat dari limbah sawit, dengan tambahan biotriba, tambahan. red) juga dapat menyimpan air dan memasok nutrisi bagi kehidupan mikroorganisme yang berguna bagi tanaman. Aplikasi bahan organik di sekitar tanaman kelapa sawit dapat merangsang tumbuhnya feeding root di dekat permukaan tanah sehingga penyerapan hara lebih mudah dan optimal.
Gambar. Akar yang muncul ke permukaan tanah setelah aplikasi bahan organik
Untuk menambah bahan organik dapat memanfaatkan limbah kebun kelapa sawit sendiri, seperti tandan kosong (empty bunch) atau limbah cair pabrik. Aplikasi tandan kosong sebanyak 60 ton/ha atau limbah cair pabrik 350 m3/ha/tahun terbukti dapat meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman (Prof. Dr. Hj. Tati Nurmala, Fakultas Pertanian UNPAD, dikutip dari majalah Media Perkebunan edisi Februari-Maret).
The occurrence of diseases are one of the most constraint in vanilla cultivation. The important diseases are the stem rot disease (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vanillae), shoot rot (Phytophthora capcisi), Sclerotium rot (Sclerotium rolfsii) and anthracnose (Collectotrichum gloeosporioides)., however, the stem rot is the most dangerous one.
Since high degree of host resistance to the stem rot is not available at present, crop losses are severe under poor management. Stem rot disease (SRD) is a contagious disease, it is soil and air borne and the fungus can produce chlamydospores so it can endure bad conditions although without a host. The disease may attack every part of vanilla plant, however, the disease is mostly found on the stem.
The spore is a slimy spore and can easily stick on plant parts, cuttings, particle of soil., and agricultural equipments . Successful management of the stem rot disease, according to Tombe 2008 can be conducted by applying the BioFOB technique. The technique involves four factors, which are :
1) Plant material (Seedling of Bio-FOB vanilla) : Free and tolerant seedling to SRD that is produced by using non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum (FoNP). This microbe has function to induce system of vanilla tolerant to SRD and stimulates rooting. This microorganism is isolated from rhizosphere and plant tissue of healthy vanilla . Results of pathogenicity test and analysis of VCG (Vegetatif Compatibility Group) showed that isolate is not pathogenic to vanilla plant. FoNP has a lot of been reported can induce system of plant resistance by the increase of activity several certain enzymes in system of plant metabolism namely β-1,4 glucosidae, β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase. The amount of 15 isolates of FoNP has been succesfully isolated and purifed and one of isolates i.e. FoNP strain F10-AM consistently produce high effectivity. That strain then used to produce 3 kinds of FoNP formula (Figure 1), Bio-FOB EC (liquid), Bio-FOBWP (powder), Organic-FOB (organic materials).
2. Biological agent and organic matter. The Bacillus pantotkenticus and Trichoderma lactae are antagonistic to F. oxysporum f. sp. vanillae. These microbes decompose organic matter and have also growth promoting effects on plant development . The two microbes are formulated under the name Bio-TRIBA. Bio-TRIBA can be mixed with compost or manure, with a dosage of 2 – 3 l Bio-TRIBA/1ton compost or manure and incubated for 1 – 2 weeks before using it. Bio-TRIBA can also be applied by pouring it out at the roots area of vanilla with a dosage of 5 – 10 ml Bio-TRIBA/1 l water, preferable after organic fertilizer is applied.
3) Botanical Fungicide of Mitol 20 EC : Formula that contains active ingredients of eugenol that were extracted from clove and plants. This compound of eugenol from clove is toxic to several plant pathogens among other R. lignisus, R. solani, F. oxysporum, F. solani,Pythium and S. rolfsi is included pathogen of Stem rot disease of vanilla and contaminant fungi on post harvest such as Aspergillus and Penicillium . Plant materials of vanilla infected by the disease are cut, and the wounds smeared with Mitol 20 EC, using a cotton stuff. The botanical fungicide can be applied with a dosage of 3 – 5 ml / l.
4. Organic Fertilizer (Organo-TRIBA). Compost that is processed from selected organic waste from experiment results by using B. Pantotkenticus,T. lactae and B. firmus as biodecomposer. Organo TRIBA contains several useful microorganisms among others Bacillus, Trichoderma, P. fluorescens and Penicillium. Those microorganisms have roles of the increase of health and plant production. Extract of organo-TRIBA compost can be pesticidal on several fungi of soil borne pathogen.
Technology of Bio-FOB is a new innovation in vanilla plant , introduces the role of microorganism and plant extract (secondary metabolite) in plant cultivation that orientes organic farming and environmentally friendly. Microorganisms used have a role to increase plant resistance to disease (induction of resistance) and productivity of plant.
This technology started to be investigated on vanilla plant since 1990 by collecting and evaluating the potency of several useful microorganisms such as Fusarium oxysporum non-pathogenic, Bacillus, Trichoderma, Penicilium and Pseudomonas fluorescens and plant extract. Since 2001 this technology has started to be launched and developed widely on vanilla organic farming in Indonesia.
Technology of Bio-FOB uses 3 kinds of microorganisms namely non-pathogenic F. Oxysporum and plant extract of clove so that its development orientes to cultivation of organic plants. In cultivation of vanilla plant with technology of Bio-FOB, it does not use anorganic fertilisers and synthetic pesticides. Several investigations show that technology of Bio-FOB can be used on other plants, especially Bio-TRIBA, Organo-TRIBA and Mitol 20 EC likes on cashew plants, black pepper, cocoa, coffee and other vegetables.
First vanili plantation used technology of Bio-FOB, in Tabanan Bali, 2001. Bio-fob vanilla flowers one year early. Productivity higher than non Bio-FOB vanilla, with vanillin rate reach 2,57 – 2,76 %
Specification of Technology Components
1) Seedling of Bio-FOB vanilla : Free and tolerant seedling to FR that is produced by using non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum (FoNP). This microbe has function to induce system of vanilla resistance to FR and stimulates rooting. This microorganism is isolated from rhizosphere and plant tissue of healthy vanilla. FoNP has a lot of been reported can induce system of plant resistance by the increase of activity several certain enzymes in system of plant metabolism namely β-1,4 glucosidae, β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase. The amount of 15 isolates of FoNP has been succesfully isolated and purifed and one of isolates i.e. FoNP strain F10-AM consistently produce high effectivity. That strain then used to produce 3 kinds of FoNP formula, Bio-FOB EC (liquid), Bio-FOBWP (powder), Organic-FOB (organic materials).
2)Bio-TRIBA : Formula in the form of liquid contains two kinds of microorganism namely B. pantotkenticus and T. lactae. Solution can be used as biodecomposer of organic waste and biofungicide for control of plant pathogen and can be mixed with organic fertiliser in its application. B. Pantotkenticus can stimulate rooting, biodecomposer of raw organic waste and produces antibiotic during decomposition process of organic material and functions as biological agent that will protect rooting system and survives in plant rhizosphere. . T. lactae can decompose raw organic waste to be high quality. T. lactae can inhibit the growth of several pathogenic fungi on plant among others R. lignosus R. solani, F. oxysporum, F. solani, Pythium and S. rolfsii is included the cause of FR disease on vanilla.
3)3) Botanical Fungicide of Mitol 20 EC : Formula that contains active ingredients of eugenol and citrat that were extracted from clove and citronella plants. This compound of eugenol from clove is toxic to several plant pathogens among other R. lignisus, R. solani, F. oxysporum, F. solani,Pythium and S. rolfsi is included pathogen the cause of FR and contaminant fungi on post harvest such as Aspergillus and Penicillium the disease of vanilla FR.
4) Organo-TRIBA. BioOrganic that is processed from selected organic waste from experiment results by using benefit microorganims as biodecomposer. Organo TRIBA contains several useful microorganisms among others Bacillus, Trichoderma, P. fluorescens and Penicillium. Those microorganisms have roles of the increase of health and plant production. Extract of organo-TRIBA compost can be pesticidal on several fungi of soil borne pathogen.
This technology started to be investigated on vanilla plant since 1990 by collecting and evaluating the potency of several useful microorganisms such as Fusarium oxysporum non-pathogenic, Bacillus, Trichoderma, Penicilium and Pseudomonas fluorescens and plant extract. Since 2001 this technology has started to be launched and developed widely on vanilla organic farming in Indonesia.
Technology of Bio-FOB uses 3 kinds of microorganisms namely non-pathogenic F. Oxysporum and plant extract of clove so that its development orientes to cultivation of organic plants. In cultivation of vanilla plant with technology of Bio-FOB, it does not use anorganic fertilisers and synthetic pesticides. Several investigations show that technology of Bio-FOB can be used on other plants, especially Bio-TRIBA, Organo-TRIBA and Mitol 20 EC likes on cashew plants, black pepper, cocoa, coffee and other vegetables.
First vanili plantation used technology of Bio-FOB, in Tabanan Bali, 2001. Bio-fob vanilla flowers one year early. Productivity higher than non Bio-FOB vanilla, with vanillin rate reach 2,57 – 2,76 %
Specification of Technology Components
1) Seedling of Bio-FOB vanilla : Free and tolerant seedling to FR that is produced by using non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum (FoNP). This microbe has function to induce system of vanilla resistance to FR and stimulates rooting. This microorganism is isolated from rhizosphere and plant tissue of healthy vanilla. FoNP has a lot of been reported can induce system of plant resistance by the increase of activity several certain enzymes in system of plant metabolism namely β-1,4 glucosidae, β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase. The amount of 15 isolates of FoNP has been succesfully isolated and purifed and one of isolates i.e. FoNP strain F10-AM consistently produce high effectivity. That strain then used to produce 3 kinds of FoNP formula, Bio-FOB EC (liquid), Bio-FOBWP (powder), Organic-FOB (organic materials).
2)Bio-TRIBA : Formula in the form of liquid contains two kinds of microorganism namely B. pantotkenticus and T. lactae. Solution can be used as biodecomposer of organic waste and biofungicide for control of plant pathogen and can be mixed with organic fertiliser in its application. B. Pantotkenticus can stimulate rooting, biodecomposer of raw organic waste and produces antibiotic during decomposition process of organic material and functions as biological agent that will protect rooting system and survives in plant rhizosphere. . T. lactae can decompose raw organic waste to be high quality. T. lactae can inhibit the growth of several pathogenic fungi on plant among others R. lignosus R. solani, F. oxysporum, F. solani, Pythium and S. rolfsii is included the cause of FR disease on vanilla.
3)3) Botanical Fungicide of Mitol 20 EC : Formula that contains active ingredients of eugenol and citrat that were extracted from clove and citronella plants. This compound of eugenol from clove is toxic to several plant pathogens among other R. lignisus, R. solani, F. oxysporum, F. solani,Pythium and S. rolfsi is included pathogen the cause of FR and contaminant fungi on post harvest such as Aspergillus and Penicillium the disease of vanilla FR.
4) Organo-TRIBA. BioOrganic that is processed from selected organic waste from experiment results by using benefit microorganims as biodecomposer. Organo TRIBA contains several useful microorganisms among others Bacillus, Trichoderma, P. fluorescens and Penicillium. Those microorganisms have roles of the increase of health and plant production. Extract of organo-TRIBA compost can be pesticidal on several fungi of soil borne pathogen.
Benih yang digunakan adalah benih yang sudah direkomendasikan oleh Deptan yang sudah tersedia dipasar/toko pertaniaan antara lain; Sugar baby, grand baby, Golden crown , orchid sweet dll.
Untuk memudahkan perkecambahan semangka non biji maka kulit sisi kiri dan kanan diamplas 2 – 3 kali, kemudiaan dilakukan peretakan mulut benih dengan guting kuku/tang kecil atau sejenisnya. Pada waktu peretakan benih usahakan jangan sampai endosperma rusak. Benih yang belum/sudah diretakkan sebaiknya tetap disimpan dalam kemasan, karena apabila disimpan diluar akan cepat menyerap uap air.
Selanjutnya benih semangka (non biji dan berbiji) dicuci dari lendir, kemudian benih-benih itu dicelup dalam larutan Bio-FOB EC selama 10 – 20 menit (sedangkan semangka berbiji 3 -4 jam). Kalau menggunakan Bio-FOB WP maka setelah dicuci dimasukkan ke dalam kantong plastik yang telah mengandung Bio-FOBWP.
Setelah benih ditiriskan habis pencelupan, selanjutnya dibungkus dengan kertas koran basah, Kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam kaleng pemeraman bisa dari bekas kaleng biskuit. Bagian dasar kaleng dilapisi dengan pasir setebal 5 cm dilapisi dengan kertas koran yang diusahakan selalau lembab. Pemeraman dapat dilakukan selama 1– 2 hari tergantung keadan bibit dalam kondisi hangat 25 – 30 C dalam ruangan pemeraman yang diterangi dengan lampu 15 watt.
Benih yang selesai diperam telah tumbuh calon akar (radikel) 2 – 3 mm. Apabila terlalu panjang ada kemungkinan calon akar patah. Benih yang sudah muncul calon akarnya harus segera disemaikan di polibag, sedangkan benih yang belum muncul calon akarnya harus diperam lagi.
Media tumbuh dalam polibag adalah campuran Organo-TRIBA + tanah yaitu (1:2) + NPK. Benih dimasukkan kedalam polibag sedalam 1,5 cm dengan posisi tidur, ujung calon akar menghadap kebawah, kemudiaan ditutup dengan organik-FOB, kemudiaan disimpan dalam sungkup. Selama 2 hari sungkup tidak dibuka dalam setiap saat agar diperiksa kondisi bibit. Setalah 10 – 14 hari bibit siap ditanaman di lapangan.
Bahan dan alat digunakan antara lain adalah; 3 macam formula Bio-FOB, paranet 25- 35% cahaya, Organo-TRIBA rumah kaca/plastic, pentuntunasan paranet 35%dan Mitol 20EC.
Penggunaan bio-triba pada tanaman sawit bermanfaat meningkatkan efektivitas penyerapan hara serta ketahanan hama. Adapun penggunaan bio-triba pada pembibitan dan pertanaman sawit adalah sebagai berikut:
Rendam biji sawit sebelum dikecambahkan dalam larutan BioTRIBA selama 5 – 10 menit dengan konsentrasi 20% ( 20 ml/l)
Untuk mencegah timbulnya penyakit pada bibit maka Lahan untuk pesemaian disiram dengan BioTRIBA dengan konsentrasi 10% (10 ml/l)
Untuk pemeliharan dalam polibag dianjurkan menggunakan kompos (bisa kompos cangkang sawit, dll) yang telah dicampur dengan BioTRIBA dengan dosis 0,5 - 1 kg/polibag setiap 4 bulan. (1 TON KOMPOS + 3 BioTRIBA konsentrasi 10 – 50 ml/l)
Untuk membantu optimalisasi penyerapan hara maka dianjurkan aplikasi Bio~TRIBA pada pada pangkal batang setiap 6 bulan sekali dan dilaksanakan 1 bulan setelah pemupukan dengan konsentrasi 10% (10ml/l)
Untuk membantu stabilizasi hara dan mikroorganisme bermanfaat dalam rizosfera/perakaran tanaman, dianjurkan agar dibantu dengan pemberiaan kompos (bisa kompos cangkang sawit, dll) yang telah dicampur dengan Bio~TRIBA dengan dosis 2 – 3 kg/tanaman/tahun
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