1.Seedling of Bio-FOB vanilla. Free and tolerant seedling to FR that is produced by using non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum (FoNP). This microbe has function to induce system of vanilla resistance to FR and stimulates rooting. This microorganism is isolated from rhizosphere and plant tissue of healthy vanilla. Results of pathogenicity test and analysis of VCG (Vegetatif Compatibility Group) showed that isolate is not pathogenic to vanilla plant. FoNP has a lot of been reported can induce system of plant resistance by the increase of activity several certain enzymes in system of plant metabolism namely β-1,4 glucosidae, β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase. The amount of 15 isolates of FoNP has been succesfully isolated and purifed and one of isolates i.e. FoNP strain F10-AM consistently produce high effectivity. That strain then used to produce 3 kinds of FoNP formula, Bio-FOB EC (liquid), Bio-FOBWP (powder), Organic-FOB (organic materials).

2. Bio-TRIBA. Formula in the form of liquid contains two kinds of microorganism namely B. pantotkenticus and T. lactae. Solution can be used as biodecomposer of organic waste and biofungicide for control of plant pathogen and can be mixed with organic fertiliser in its application.

a.Bacillus pantotkenticus. This microbe was found and isolated from rhizosphere of maize plantation, it has not been reported in Indonesia. B. Pantotkenticus can stimulate rooting, biodecomposer of raw organic waste and produces antibiotic during decomposition process of organic material and functions as biological agent that will protect rooting system and survives in plant rhizosphere. In vitro test showed that this isolate can inhibit growth of several kinds of soil dwelling pathogens among others R. lignosus, R. solani, F. oxysporum, F. solani, Pythium and S. rolfsii. One of species of Bacillus has been reported in Brazil can increase production of wheat up to 105% by stimulates system of plant rooting.

b.Trichoderma lactae. This microorganism was encountered and isolated from rhizosphere of cashew plantation. T. lactae can decompose raw organic waste to be high quality. T. lactae can inhibit the growth of several pathogenic fungi on plant among others R. lignosus R. solani, F. oxysporum, F. solani, Pythium and S. rolfsii is included the cause of FR disease on vanilla.

3. Botanical Fungicide of Mitol 20 EC. Formula that contains active ingredients of eugenol and citrat that were extracted from clove and citronella plants. This compound of eugenol from clove is toxic to several plant pathogens among other R. lignisus, R. solani, F. oxysporum, F. solani,Pythium and S. rolfsi is included pathogen the cause of FR and contaminant fungi on post harvest such as Aspergillus and Penicillium the disease of vanilla FR.

4. Organo-TRIBA. Compost that is processed from selected organic waste from experiment results by using Bio-TRIBA and Proti II as biodecomposer. Organo TRIBA contains several useful microorganisms among others Bacillus, Trichoderma, P. fluorescens and Penicillium. Those microorganisms have roles of the increase of health and plant production. Extract of organo-TRIBA compost can be pesticidal on several fungi of soil borne pathogen.